damn good!!!
That was amazing! Nice idea, graphics animation everything... if your not already making another, you should definitely start!
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damn good!!!
That was amazing! Nice idea, graphics animation everything... if your not already making another, you should definitely start!
It was good...
the only thing it needs is some kind of sounds and maybe some more interesting scenery. :)
yeh i agree i actually forgot totally about the sound coz i was focusing more on gettin it complete witohut spoofin up lol
good but...
i could use a few things like in game music better backgrounds ect... and one more thing. You have to make it so that when it touches the ground you can move it over if your quick enough just like on the original tetris. It was good just make it more interesting. :)
"Common sense is not so commmon." --Juan
Age 32, Male
None at the moment.
Joined on 6/6/08